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Nicole Myhre
Special Education Paraprofessional
High School
Karen Olson
Instructional Coach
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2100
Justin Olson
Social Studies Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2319
Tammy Ouimet
Food Preparer
High School
Jackie Page
Special Education Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2119
Erik Poff
Family Consumer Education Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2214
Brad Porter
Special Education Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2109
Kaitlynn Reeve
Special Education Paraprofessional
High School
Dino Ress
Science & Chemistry Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2131
Yaritza Rivera
Math Teacher
Baraboo High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2332
Lenore Rockett
Special Education Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2110
Michael Romero
Administrative Assistant
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2023
Andrea Romero
Student Services Administrative Assistant
High School
608-355-3943 Ext. 2041
Travis Ruegg
Special Education Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2117
Isabel Saber
Science Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2123
Brittany Schmidt
School Counselor
High School
608-355-3943 Ext. 2032
Heidi Schultz Olson
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2108
Melinda Schulz
Food Preparer
Baraboo High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2230
Riley Seifert
Tech Ed Teacher
High School
Sarah Selje
Math Teacher
High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2329