
At the March 11th board meeting, the Baraboo School District Board of Education members officially approved the 2024-25 school calendar. The selected calendar option mirrors the framework employed during the 2023-24 school year, signifying a deliberate choice to maintain the current and well-received scheduling arrangement.

The selection process involved a comprehensive survey administered to all staff, offering four proposed calendar options. Option 2, mirroring the current calendar format (2023-24), garnered overwhelming support from the District’s employees, receiving approximately 85% of first and second-choice votes.

Key features of Option 2 include a total of 189 teacher contract days, marking a reduction of one day compared to previous years. The student face-to-face days will remain consistent at 174, aligning with the current academic year. Furthermore, the calendar will continue to incorporate weekly professional development sessions and early releases on Wednesdays, providing educators with dedicated time for collaboration and professional growth.

The approved calendar sets the last student day for the academic year on Tuesday, June 10th, while teachers will conclude their duties with a half day on Wednesday, June 11th.

The decision to maintain the current calendar format was driven by the overwhelmingly positive response from those who participated in the survey. Staff members clearly expressed their preference for the continuity and predictability offered by the existing schedule, emphasizing the benefits of planning and the reduction of potential disruptions in the educational environment.

With the calendar now officially approved, students, parents, and staff can confidently plan for the upcoming academic year, anticipating a schedule that aligns with the familiar structure of the current school year.

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