The School District of Baraboo consolidates the major communication channels with the school district to better coordinate and disseminate information to our stakeholder.
Our main goal is to develop and maintain communication platforms that aid in building relationships centered on trust and transparency with those we serve.
The department is responsible for organizing and managing all district-wide communication and ensuring strategies are in alignment with our values, core beliefs, and overarching commitments. Additionally, the department is responsible for all media relations, external district-wide communications, the BSD website, print newsletters, Thunderbird Thursday (e-newsletter), managing BSD social media account, etc.
Our main mission is to maintain ongoing, open, and effective communications with our stakeholders (students, staff, families, and community members) in meaningful land-engaging ways.
Social Media
District social media accounts are maintained by the Communications Department to inform and engage the BSD learning community, and the great Baraboo community. Social media posts include, but are not limited to:
Highlighted accomplishments of anyone within the Baraboo School District
Relevant BSD information
Emergency and non-emergency school closures, early dismissal, delayed openings
Employment opportunities
District administrators, principals, teachers, coaches, club advisors, and all staff are encouraged to submit pictures and text to provide transparency and engagement for our school community. Staff can learn more on the BSD Staff Secure Intranet Communications page, or use this form to submit items.
All district-related social media accounts must comply with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Copyright Laws, uphold the safety and security of all students and staff by implementing and enforcing BSD Social Media Community Standards.
Distribute or Display Materials in Schools and Community Announcements
The Baraboo School District recognizes the desire for community groups to share information relating to programs or opportunities that are beneficial to residents of the school district, especially students and families. Full details and guidelines are available by viewing the Distribution of Non School Sponsored Material Policy (852).
The following disclaimer must be displayed on all materials:
"This is not a school-sponsored activity and the Baraboo School District does not fund or endorse this program/activity."
All materials for consideration must be sent to the Director of Communications for approval.

Director of Communications
Hailey Wagner
Email: hwagner@barabooschools.net
Phone: 608-355-3950 ext 1520
BSD Press Releases
BOE Statement on Interim Superintendent and Hiring Process (2/13/25)
BOE Statement on Resignation of Dr. Rainey Briggs (2/10/25)
BOE April 2025 Referendum Authorization (01/14/2025)
BOE Referendum Update (12/10/2024)
School District of Baraboo Response to Bullying and Harassment (12/06/2024)
Kit Eilertson Family Innovation Fund Grant (11/20/2024)
Class of 1976 Innovation Grant Winners (11/20/2024)
Failed Referendum (11/06/2024)
Threat Notification (11/05/2024)