Lamers Bus Lines
202 Old Highway 33
Baraboo, WI 53913
(608)448-4851 ext. 2
Email Lamers Bus Lines
Student Transportation
Sabrina Lurvey, District Registrar
423 Linn Street
Baraboo, WI 53913
Email Sabrina Lurvey, District Registrar
Student Transportation ID System
School Year Transportation
Transportation services to school and from is provided by a partnership between the School District of Baraboo and Lamers Bus Lines, Inc.
PK-Grade 12 School Year Alternate Transportation
Alternate Transportation Requests
If you need to have your child(ren) picked up or dropped off at a location other than home, please complete the Request for Transportation to an Alternate Location form. You will need to complete one form for each child.
Please feel free to contact Sabrina Lurvey - District Registrar, at (608)-355-3955 to have your student transportation questions answered.
Transportation Handbook
Please refer to the handbook for any questions regarding transportation policy, procedure, or rules.
School Board Policy