Kid Stop
Welcome to Kid Stop, where every day is fun for everyone! Please feel free to look over this site. This site contains most all resources for registration and other information related to the Kid Stop after school program. All age appropriate students in the district (including home school, private school, etc.) are welcome to utilize the Kid Stop program.
Please feel free to contact Pat Gavin, Kid Stop Coordinator at 355-3925 x7150. or via the Contact form.
Enrollment for the Summer Kid Stop program begins on Monday, February 3, 2025. Information and registration forms can be found below to print off or paper copies will be available at all elementary school offices and the East, GLW and West Kid Stop sites.
Completed enrollment forms may be submitted by scanning to the Kid Stop Coordinator’s email address at or dropping your form off at the Gordon L. Willson Elementary School office during business or Kid Stop hours. Any questions, please contact Pat Gavin at the above email address.
Summer Kid Stop Program Brochure in English [Click Here]
Summer Kid Stop Program Brochure in Spanish [Click Here]
Summer Kid Stop Program Enrollment Form in English [Click Here]
Summer Kid Stop Program Enrollment Form in Spanish [Click Here]
Aquatic Academy Summer Kid Stop in English [Click Here]
Aquatic Academy Summer Kid Stop in Spanish [Click Here]
We look forward to serving you and our community this school year! Jori Ruff, Kid Stop Director
Kid Stop Internet Links
Grade 1
Games and Fun
Registration & Important Resources
2024-25 Fall Enrollment Form (English & Español) PRINT ONLY. Kid Stop does not have online registration available at this time. IMPRIMIR SOLO. Kid Stop no tiene registro en línea disponible en este momento.
2024-25 Program Brochure (English & Español)
2024-25 Schedule/Payment Form (English & Spanish)
2024-25 Important Kid Stop Dates
Kid Stop Parent Handbook (English)
Kid Stop Parent/Staff Handbook (Spanish)