Continuous Improvement
Multi-Leveled Systems of Support
Multi-Leveled Systems of Support
For the Baraboo School District implementing a multi-leveled system of support (MLSS) is a framework for aligning resources and initiatives, and is a method of organization. MLSS means providing services, practices, and resources to every student based upon responsiveness to effective instruction and intervention. MLSS practices align supports to serve the whole child, it relies on data gather through universal screening, data-driven decision making, and problem solving teams, and focuses on content standards. Read more about the Baraboo School District MLSS Continuations School Improvement Framework here. Visit Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to learn more about Wisconsin's framework for equitable multi-level systems of support.
BSD Code of Conduct
The goal of the School District of Baraboo Code of Conduct is to provide students and adults a framework for navigating personal, social, or cultural conflicts. Consistent with restorative philosophies, the Baraboo School District (BSD) Code of Conduct emphasizes the importance of resolving conflicts through act of social healing, guided restoration, and community development. Review the complete K-12 BSD Code of Conduct here.
Last Updated: 9/13/22