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Stephanie Belter
Literacy Coach
Al Behrman Elementary
608-355-3910 Ext. 6102
Haley Bender
Special Education Paraprofessional
East Elementary
Nadine Benson
Al Behrman Elementary
Jen Beth
Science Teacher
Baraboo High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2128
Damion Beth
Math Teacher
Baraboo High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2336
Terry Birch
Head Cook
East Elementary
608-522-4946 Ext. 8117
Sami Birr
Teaching & Learning Administrative Assistant
Administration Office
608-355-3950 Ext. 1029
Michelle Blasing
Student and Family Engagement Specialist
Al Behrman Elementary
608-355-3910 Ext. 6111
John Blosenski
Al Behrman Elementary Principal
Al Behrman Elementary
608-355-3910 Ext. 6010
Carolyn Bonanno
Board of Education
School Board
Greg Borkenhagen
Jack Young Middle School
Amanda Bourne
Special Education Teacher
Al Behrman Elementary
608-355-3910 Ext. 6101
Carrie Bowers
Library Media Assistant
East Elementary
608-355-3920 Ext. 4127
Karen Boyd
Special Education Paraprofessional
Al Behrman Elementary
Amanda Bradley
Kindergarten Teacher
North Freedom Elementary
608-522-4946 Ext. 8101
Kate Brescia
School Nurse
Baraboo High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2217
Clint Brickl
High School Associate Principal
Baraboo High School
608-355-3940 Ext. 2012
Dr. Rainey Briggs
Administration Office
608-355-3950 Ext. 1010
Sarah Brings
Gordon L. Willson Elementary Principal
Gordon L. Willson Elementary
608-355-3925 Ext. 7010
Austin Brown
HVAC Technician
Building & Grounds
608-355-3985 Ext. 5526